Wednesday, July 31, 2019

What the heck body?!?

At 9:30AM this Monday my body decided to freak out. I was at work and suddenly felt zaps in random parts of my body that made my muscles twitch. It felt like being mildly electrocuted. I also felt very weak and dizzy. My vision blurred and I struggled to focus. My face felt more numb than usual and it was a challenge to talk. I held on for as long as I could, but finally texted my husband to come and get me. I was afraid to drive given the dizziness and blurred vision.

My gut reaction was to go to the hospital. Even to call an ambulance as I wasn't sure how far I could walk. But what would they do? What could they really do? I didn't feel like I had experienced a stroke. My heart felt fine. It felt like my Myopathy had suddenly gotten worse for God knows why or how? I have a rare condition and there's nothing the hospital can do about that other than test me for a stroke. It would be a waste of everyone's time.

Instead I had my husband call my doctor and talk to the advice nurse. They said to go to the hospital. I refused, laid in bed and cried. My husband comforted me and made me feel a lot better. All of this was very scary. My little dog also gave me comfort, refusing to leave my side.

She even lurked in the bathroom with me. 

I deduced that I might have a bladder infection and that could have sent my body into "CODE RED! SEND ALL ENERGY AND RESOURCES TO INFECTION FIGHTING!" I started antibiotics yesterday and am feeling a little better today. I hope to go back to work tomorrow.

It's terrifying how fast my muscles can just shut down. How even talking can become a big challenge. I know it was scary for my husband to see me like that too. Chronic illness isn't for the weak! Every day is some kind of new test. I'm so lucky to not have to go through any of this alone.

Friday, July 19, 2019

Swimming in the deep end of life

I love the Ocean. I always have. When I was a little girl I used to spend all day every day every summer swimming and pretending I was either a mermaid or a shark. I love them both equally. The more my arms and legs stopped working the more my love for mermaids grew. I liked to think that I was just a land-locked mermaid and not a disabled woman. Isn't that thought more fun?

Last weekend my husband took me to the "Bubble Ball" at a mermaid convention in our town. Who even knew there was such a thing? You had to come dressed as either a mermaid or a pirate. I was thinking "What's there to do at a 'ball' in a wheelchair?" Turns out tons of stuff!

Me being me I had to dress as a "Princess, mermaid, fairy, shark" and not just a mermaid. "Where's the shark?" You might be thinking? I have 5 gills on my neck. Hehehe.

My husband was "Mr. Smee" from Peter Pan. Smart guy that he is he picked a comfy outfit in the sweltering heat. 

There was a magician who was amazing and looked a lot like "Captain Jack Sparrow" from the Pirates of the Caribbean movies. 

There were games, photo booths, tarot card readings, magic, stage shows and all kinds of fun to be had. I did get a little bit of chair dancing on at the end too. We had a fantastic time. I'm glad I didn't let my hesitation of "going to a dance in a wheelchair" get in the way of me letting my inner mermaid (princess, fairy, shark) shine!

Saturday, July 6, 2019

Sex and Progressive Disability

It seems as if every article and blog on the internet that addresses sex and disability does so from the point of view that the person has always been the way that they are. I have found hardly any information in my scouring that talks about what happens when you have a progressive disability or illness. Which is very sad because it has a HUGE impact on your sex life.

My neurologist told me last week that my issue (COQ6 gene mutation that causes COQ10 deficiency that causes Metabolic Myopathy) is progressive and degenerative. It was something I suspected but it was still hard to hear. Although it did light a fire under my butt (pun intended) to try and find something that would help my sex life.

My husband is amazing and is always open to trying anything that might help me, even if it costs us money. I've tried a vibrator in the past, but I don't think it was strong enough for my muscles. We also have a "wedge pillow" that is amazing. I can't speak highly enough of support pillows with any kind of muscle condition and intimacy. So although I still was enjoying sex, I had been unable to have an orgasm for a long time.

One of my issues is muscle cramps and spasms that happen most of the time. My neurologist recommended I try CBD for it and said it would help. A friend of mine from my Muscular Dystrophy support group suggested I try a tincture. One trip to our local dispensary (it's legal in my State) and $80 later and I was equipped with something that has been helping me. I thought it might also just help my orgasms?

My husband and I made a trip out to a very female forward sex store called Good Vibrations. They helped me find a new vibrator that could be helpful, along with some other muscle support devices to try out. BINGO!!! A stronger, more adjustable, larger vibrator did the trick. My orgasm has changed a lot though and felt very different. But I was still happy to get there.

NEVER GIVE UP! My tenacity paid off once more. Don't be afraid to experiment and invest some money on your sexual pleasure. It's important and helpful for your mood.

(I'm not affiliated with any of the links and received no compensation for sharing them.)

Checking In With Myself

2025 Has been as difficult for me as 2020 emotionally. This time in 2020 the COVID pandemic was really serious. Things were shutting down an...