Thursday, November 22, 2018

Long Awaited Answers

California has been buried in smoke these last few weeks. But despite the scary air quality I've been working 30 hours and attending my never-ending slew of medical appointments. Last week was the much anticipated EMG to test the electric nerve impulses in my arms and legs. Everything looked fine. But yesterday was the BIG appointment with the Chief of Staff of Neurology. The big cheese. The head honcho. The person with whom the buck stops. 

Well, we possibly have some answers as to what the heck is going on with my muscles and why I start off strong, but then get weaker and weaker. He thinks I might have a rare genetic condition called Metabolic Myopathy. Basically what it boils down to is the muscles don't use energy how they should and they progressively get weaker the more they are used. BINGO! It sounds like we may have a winner.

Of course this means more testing and more testing and more testing because there are different types of MM that require different treatments. So now we're doing all that and I won't go back to see this "Magic Man" till January. Drat! More waiting.

Charities known in Greek Mythology as the Three Graces

So now much like the Three Graces I'm trying to spend this time bringing "Brightness" (like Aglaia), "Good Cheer" (like Thalia) and "Joy" (like Euphrosyne) to myself, my family and my work. I'm relieved to possibly have an answer, but also a bit broody about the whole "more waiting, more testing" part. Of course a bit of jewelry never hurts to help me keep in good spirits.

In case you're keeping score, since 2015 I've now had:
  1. Latent Tuberculosis
  2. 9 months of awful treatment for TB that left me unable to do anything
  3. A total hysterectomy
  4. Stocking and glove pattern peripheral neuropathy
  5. Rheumatoid Disease
  6. Raynaud's Disease
  7. Meningioma (benign brain tumor on my left temporal lobe)
  8. Brain surgery
  9. Severe Muscle Weakness (possibly Metabolic Myopathy) 
They say what doesn't kill you makes you stronger. 
I think I'm now a super hero!

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