Thursday, February 1, 2024

Settling In

It's 2024 and I'd say I'm settling in nicely. I have two beautiful, funny dogs now who make my life so fun. I have my mobility back. I have my son out of my mom's house and working hard to be an independent adult. I have pottery studio 2-3 times a month. I'm loving Apple Fitness with it's Yoga, stretching and Meditation. I'm also trying to sell our wheelchair van.

My near future plans include taking some online courses to get my license back and become a supervisor in my profession.

Going for a hike

Doing more art

Checking out a close gym's yoga class

I'm still more fatigued than I was before all this happened to me. Which is to be expected. But when I'm awake my energy is hugely improved. I can do multiple things in a day which I never could do before. And drive. I can't under-state how great it is to be able to drive myself again. -WHEW!-

I feel like things are going very well for me. I'm spending time with friends and family. Living my life and thriving, not just surviving.



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