Monday, August 7, 2023

The first week of the rest of my life

The first day of the rest of my life. The first hour, minute, second. Right this moment is the only moment that will ever be. Knowing that makes it easier for me to make this moment count. Who do I want to be right now? My answer is someone strong, resilient, who learns from the past. Someone who knows what I want my future to look like. At least a little bit. A future I prefer… how’s that?

In my future I would like to be healthy. I would love to get to sell my wheelchair van and my wheelchairs. I would be giddy if I could have enough energy and strength to walk. So in the present moment I’m going to do everything I can to give that possible outcome a chance.

Since July 26th I have been eating to set myself up for success. Tons of fruits, vegetables, whole grains and beans. A little feta and goat cheese here and there. Lean chicken breast and oat milk in my coffee. I’ve also cut down my portion sizes to what is supposed to be “single serving” or close to it.

I’m very happy to share that I’ve been feeling much more energetic. I woke up at 7:30AM this morning. Something unheard of before. And Friday not only was I able to be out all day, but I didn’t take an afternoon rest.

When I have been resting it has been much shorter too. Yesterday was only an hour.

I’m feeling a bit clearer headed. My physical stamina feels vastly improved. I’m doing  a lot more that’s physical during the day. I’m also still gently pushing myself.

I’m excited and hopeful each second that I’m able to feel good. My pain in general is less, I think due to swimming a minimum of three days a week.

I’m so happy to have had some potential answers and to have the strength to make these good choices for myself. No pizza on the planet tastes as good as walking feels.

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