Thursday, July 13, 2023

It's Not Just Juice


If there's ever any doubt that:

1) Being chronically ill is terribly upsetting and hard and...

2) That I am a Drama Queen

Here is proof. I took these pictures when I had just finished making fresh juice with my juicer. It was so hard to for me to finish doing that I was covered in sweat at the end of it. The battle I fought with my body to get that juice done was real. I had bought all the fruits and vegetables and I wasn't going to waste them. But DAMN! Running them all through my electric juicer, cutting some, digging the pulp out of the juicer, putting it back together, mixing and jarring the juice. It completely exhausted me.

The first picture was taken right when I was finished. And yes. Maybe I cried just a little from physical exhaustion.

The second picture was 30minutes later. Still sweating. Still exhausted.

The last picture was a full hour later. Still actively sweating a ton and still exhausted. 

My body behaved like I had just climbed the tallest mountain barefoot with no water. I drank a Gatorade and was still sweating. A cold shower and not moving for the rest of the day helped. 

This is what my chronic illness looks like.

From juice.

Just making some juice.

In the future I think I'm going to juice with some help.

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