Monday, July 17, 2023


I'm frustrated.

I absolutely hate being on the phone doing nonsense things that I've done a million times. I'm looking at you wheelchair company and medical supply company. Those two are the worst!

Fortunately since my last wheelchair appointment she has been behaving like a dream. But I still have a part on order that needs to be replaced and it has been a month.

Then there's trying to get my money back from the muffler accident. That's been a lot of fun. Three e-mails and one phone call today. 

Plus I spent 80 minutes on the phone with my medical supply company only to be told that they never got the new scripts for my medical supplies that I've been trying to get for the last five months. If I relied on them for colostomy supplies I'd be using Ziplock baggies. They are awful.

Who runs these for-profit companies?

How can they get away with treating their clients like this?

How are there not more alternative?

What a massive racket all of this is!

It costs a fortune to be disabled. Both in money and in time.

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