Tuesday, November 15, 2022

Never NOT Scary

I missed an opportunity.

I really should have done this post in October for Halloween.

Ah well. For some the winter holidays are even more frightening.

Like "What mobility aid will I need for which house?" "Will they have gluten free food for me?" "What time will it start?" Or "Will I be able to go at all!?" OOoooooOOOoo. Scary.

But what I find the most scary is when my abilities change. Sometimes it's a slow change. The slow boil that's hard to notice. Like not being able to change light bulbs anymore (especially above my head.) More often then not however it's something I used to be able to do one day and then I can't do it the next. Like...

  • Walking around the block
  • Painting my nails
  • Baking
  • Staying awake all day
  • Driving
You get the idea.
And what I'm learning as I progress down this road is that when it happens it is never not scary. It's never not painful. It's never not alarming. It just doesn't get easier. Then the once unthinkable becomes the norm. Just like COVID did for so many millions of people. 

I don't know how many more of these landmarks are ahead of me. All I can do is savor each moment and enjoy what I CAN do while I can still do it. 

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