Friday, August 28, 2020

Pretending to Be Normal

There are times where I just get so sick of my body and my illness that I have what I call a "normal burst." That's where I just pretend that I'm a normal, healthy person who can do anything they want. I resent my medications. I resent using mobility tools. And I hate that my body fatigues. So I just push and push and push till I completely gas out.

Today was a day like that. 

I had a lovely morning with my Mom and when I kissed her goodbye for the afternoon she said "Now go and rest." We had swam that morning (Well, I more stretched and floated) and that was good advice she gave me... But something in me said "NOPE! I'm going to GARDEN because I AM NORMAL!!!" It's like my inner brat breaks loose or something?!

So I did. 

I watered my garden and did some pruning and cleaning. I felt my body want to quit, but I pushed it. I pushed it when I knew I should just stop. 


Because it felt so good to be out there doing exactly what I wanted to do for a change instead of what my body wanted me to do (which was what my Mama told me to do... go and rest.)

I often fantasize about the things my body used to be able to do. Snorkel, bike ride, hike, etc. I think that's super normal and I'm sure many disabled people do the same. Especially considering I haven't been disabled that long. It was just 19 months ago that I was snorkeling in Hawaii with my husband and work friends. No way could I do this today.

Sometimes pushing myself is worth it. 

I try not to push so hard that my muscles go into rhabdomyolysis. It has happened a few times in the past and I like to think I learned. Pushing myself helps me know my limits. If I don't go to that breaking point I won't know where it is. It also gives me a little taste of what it was a like to be my "normal" old self again.

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