Wednesday, April 22, 2020

Permanent disability denial

Well... THAT was fast!
It turns out I don't qualify for any form of disability other than State Temporary Disability. The very nice representative for Federal Disability explained that there are two ways to qualify for "permanent disability" and two forms of it (so that's three kinds total! WHAAA!?!) 
  1. You have worked pretty much continuously for pay for the last 10 years. I think that number fluctuates based on your age. For me it was 10 years.
  2. You and your partner (if you legally have one) are legally low income (including your assets like car, home, etc.)
Taking a dog "walk" (roll) break

He told us that unfair as it is being in school or a full time parent for the last 10 years doesn't count for anything according to the government. You need to have been paying into the social security system to be able to draw on it in any way before retirement age.

Also your partner working for 10 years doesn't count for anything if you're still together. But their income and assets count against you for the second type. 

I told my husband I don't know why they even call it "Disability" if your disability isn't the first thing they consider? Bottom line, the American government doesn't part with money easily (unless you're a corporate investor in the political system?) It's very messed up.

Overall I'd recommend applying over the phone. Just skip the online process completely. Also call your local office, not their main number. It's much faster to get through. Even if you think you may not qualify it's still worth applying because you never know. Same for temporary disability.

I'm grateful to a friend in my Muscular Dystrophy support group for encouraging me to apply for temporary disability even before I knew I would need it. I was very resistant when he first brought it up, but I did end up needing it and it has been a real life saver.
My puppy was helpful when I got stressed and sad.

So, I'm still unable to work and my benefits will max out soon. That means all the financial burden and pressure is on my husband, which I HATE! It really upsets me to not be able to make any money right now and YES! I feel like even more of a burden, which is an awful feeling.

He tells me all the time that I'm not. And logically my head knows it too. But you can feel much differently about something even if you know the situation is a contradiction. I FEEEEEEEEEEL like a burden period.

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