Tuesday, October 22, 2019

When did Myopathy start?

I've always placed the start date of my muscle weakness April 26th 2018, 13 days after starting Plaquenil. My husband has felt that it was the Plaquenil that caused my Myopathy. But I had a memory the other day that places the real start date MUCH earlier than that. 

I remembered being at Disneyland in November of 2017 and feeling like I was being especially tossed around. I even told my husband that I felt "weird," like my muscles weren't holding my body in place like they should be. Upon looking back I'm wondering if that was my first sign of myopathy.

Not having a very specific diagnosis is frustrating, not having a clear cause is also frustrating, but now not even really being clear when it could have started? Yes. That's hard.

Is it just a genetic mutation that somehow got turned on? Was it the affects from my brain tumor that I'd had since at least 2015? Was it from the Latent Tuberculosis or the medication used to treat it in 2016? Is it from the Plaquenil I was put on in 2018? I may never know. 

Having a chronic illness often means endless doctors appointments, new symptoms that sprout up literally overnight and having more unanswered questions than answers. I'm slowly learning how to live in this zone of "unknown".

I may not know exactly when my muscles started breaking down, but I do know how it rules my life today. I know I can't dwell on what I used to be able to do yesterday that maybe I can't do today. And I can't focus on what I may not be able to do tomorrow. I live each day as best I can and feel grateful that I'm not in this alone. 

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