Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Disability, Dizziness and Doctors

It has been one week since I've been out on my three month medical disability leave from work. Luckily I've had my mother visiting to distract me, otherwise I think I would still be crying almost every day. I dream about my work and miss it constantly. Unlike a lot of people I loved my job and I loved working full time. I do know that I literally did everything I could to keep working. My body just couldn't manage it right now and that's ok.

I saw my doctor about my dizziness, headaches and foggy headedness. He ran some tests and found that my thyroid replacement medication was too high a dose. Today's my first day on a lower dose and we hope that's the cause. 

I also went to my eye doctor yesterday because OVERNIGHT my vision got worse, especially in my right eye. Everything bad seems to always start on the right side of my body. No idea why. He confirmed that in the eight months since I saw him both my eyes have gotten worse, but especially my right eye and especially close up. He said it could be from the Baclafan, or it could be from the myopathy. No way to really know. 

But hey! At least I don't have to take time off from work to make all these appointments. Right? Now I get to be a full time patient. 

Speaking of, I also get to schedule my next brain MRI today. I have the follow up from my brain surgery soon and my primary care doctor also wants to rule out anything scary going on causing the dizziness. I appreciate his attention to detail. 

Lastly my husband and I have been talking about getting a wheelchair van early next year. Luckily there are a lot of options where we live, including a lease. The gas milage on them is terrible, but it would give me a lot more freedom (like all my other tools). I want my life to stay as big as it can. Using my big chair is not only more comfortable, but it saves me a lot of energy over other devices, which means I can be out more doing the things I love!

Stay tuned for car shopping. Which is more fun than a brain MRI. 

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