Monday, January 7, 2019

Plans for 2019

I tend to keep a journal off and on. It's not a traditional "Dear Diary' type. More of doodles, lists, feelings, thoughts and plans. I like to go back and re-read them at times to see how much I've grown. This entry from 2017 really stood out to me and I found it share worthy.

I was still in graduate school at the time. This is a good snapshot of what chronic illness feels like. I wouldn't wish it on my worst enemy.

Here are the "goals" that I have been setting for myself through the years. I notice I didn't do it last year. I think that's because I had just graduated and felt I had enough to focus on with my job hunt.

More here about "Beginners Mind" if you're curious. 

"UPR" is a psychological term that means Unconditional Positive Regard.

On January 2018 I deleted my Facebook account. 

It took about an hour and a lot of Googling to figure out how to do it. Facebook is like that crazy ex who doesn't want you to go, peering through your window, hoping you'll change your mind. I can say with all honesty it was the best thing I could have done for my mental health. I was very much addicted to it (though less than most people I know.) I encourage everyone to engage in as little social networking as possible and spend that time deeply engaging with people in the real world.

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