Saturday, December 15, 2018

December Symptoms

I noticed it has been a very long time since I shared my symptoms here. Not since July to be exact. 

I also noticed that back in July I talk about using Meg, my rollator. She's become like another limb for me. It's really hard to imagine it has only been 5-6 months that I've been using her. Now I consider "only using Meg" to be a very good day. Anything more than a 1 store stop and I need more than just Meg.

So here's what I'm currently struggling with: 

   Instability when walking in both legs.
   Gradual muscle fatigue when standing and walking in both legs.
   After apx 420 steps extreme leg muscle fatigue.
   After apx 420 steps thigh muscles start shaking with muscle fatigue.
   After apx 420 steps legs muscles feel strained and mildly painful as if they had major exertion (like ran a marathon.)
   After apx 420 steps face and body break out in cold sweat (takes hours to recover from the feeling of major muscle exertion.)
   Frequent muscle cramps, twitches and spasms: arms, legs, arch of feet on the bottom, torso, right eye.
   Bottom of feet feel sore like I ran a marathon. Deep muscle ache. Especially in the morning and at night.
   Not able to sexually climax since muscle issues started. Muscles fatigue too quickly, even with pillows and support.
   Minor muscle weakness in right hand when compared to left.
   Arms fatigue (again, feel strained as if they had major exertion) when: brushing teeth, shampooing hair, cutting food, cooking, pushing a broom, minor activities like shopping.
   All muscles start off at normal strength, but fatigue with use much faster than typical.
   Constant back, neck and right shoulder pain.
   Constant stocking glove pattern neuropathy managed with Lyrica. Began 2015 post Latent TB Treatment.

Rollator, transport wheelchair, electric wheelchair, reduction in house chores, rest in between activities, major reduction in physical activities, use electric scooter shopping carts, hot water bottle for back and neck, Ibuprophen PRN, warm showers, muscle rubs daily, not lifting more than 20lbs, home modifications like safety bars, cooking stool, etc.

I also keep a running list of my testing flags and medical issues in the hopes it will help. I bring this list with me to every single doctors appointment that I have. Honestly, the doctors barely glance at it. They say something like "Well aren't you prepared" and then just put it down on the counter and proceed to ask questions that are answered on this sheet. -sigh-

I did have a bit of good news this week though. My neurologist messaged me to say that he feels my latest lab tests are matching his suspicion that I have Metabolic Myopathy and that's the source of my muscle weakness. I hope he's right and at my January 9th appointment we can begin some treatment. 2018 Has been a challenging year. 

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