Saturday, June 16, 2018

This little piggy

When I saw the rheumatologist back in March she asked if I was having any trouble with my feet. I honestly answered "no." I think my feet must have heard me and shouted back "ALL CLEAR! BRING ON THE RA FEET!" Because literally since then I've been having problems.

How my feet look today - June 16, 2018

I've had mystery swelling, bruising, sharp pain in my right ankle and the balls of my feet hurting after walking only a few steps (metatarsalgia). The scariest of all is it looks like my toes are starting to "migrate/drift" (especially on my right foot.) 

My physical therapist approved the men's Teva sandals that I live in during the summer, so that's good. At least I know my shoes aren't to blame (or making the problem worse.) 

I messaged my doctor and sent him a picture (a new feature that I LOVE!) I'm trying to get in to a new rheumatologist sooner rather than later. I feel like my symptoms are progressing really fast. I also feel like I'm not having "flares" but more constant issues. And of course I'm exhausted all the freaking time. 

I'm trying my best to stay in the present moment and not let worries overwhelm me. It helps that we have a big family party to go to tonight. I'm looking forward to doing something fun and seeing our family. 

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