Tuesday, June 26, 2018

Better with Bling

I'm a big believer that all things are better with some bling. 

"Meg," my new Rollator is no exception to that rule.

I went to a local craft store today and found these rhinestone stickers. I put them over her screws to make them pretty. I also found this mermaid scale pattern duck tape. 

There are some tags on her that I was told not to remove. They didn't say anything about covering them up with mermaid scales. They really need to be more specific about such rules.

I think she looks beautiful! 

I also ordered these hooks today. They're meant for strollers, but will work great for my purpose!

I realized I have 3 purses with sturdy metal side rings meant for attaching an optional arm strap. Instead I can clip them onto the front bar of Meg for when I'm out on the town. I like the purple ones a lot.

It's important to not only have the right tools that you need, but to also feel good about how they look. Like a lovely pair of glasses on a beautiful face, customizing my tools is a real mood lifter.

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