Monday, June 25, 2018

Back Breaking Work

My back MRI results came in very quickly. As for the MRI itself, let me just share that it was my second experience ever of having my back hurt so much that it went into spam. A 90 minute full back MRI is no joke. I used every self-soothing resource that I had in my big bag of tricks and still almost had a full panic attack (just from the pain.) I'll be avoiding those in the future as much as I can. But, the results were useful.

Always make yourself a "cheat sheet!"

My back isn't much worse than it was 17 months ago. The biggest changes were in my lumbar area. I have a fissure (that's new) and a "disk protrusion" that's hitting a nerve. That's coincidentally the most painful spot in my back. 

The results can be very hard to read, so I found "mapping it out" on a spine printout to be really useful. I'm not a doctor and always have to look up what all the words mean and turn it into English. Then it goes into my personal medical binder for future medical appointments.

The bottom line is that they found nothing that would explain my muscle weakness and muscle fatigue. That means it's likely not coming from back problems, but from something else (like RA?) 

This Wednesday I see a new neurologist, so hopefully she'll have some more insight into the mystery that is my body.

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