Tuesday, May 22, 2018


Life will always have its challenges. When they come along, regardless what they are, it's easy to let yourself get sucked in and for that challenge to become your life. This is most true with physical or health challenges. I'm fortunate to have friends who have much more serious challenges than I do. MS, breast cancer, spinal cord injury paralysis... Personally I find it difficult to balance noticing that I don't have as big a serious challenge as other people, while still respecting that I do still have struggles.

Today is a reminder to myself. A re-set on my perspective and a list of things that help me remember all the many many many pluses and blessings in my life.

#1) I worked my butt off over the last 10 years and now have 3 college degrees. I was the first person in my family to ever graduate from college (and I did it three times.) That's a massive accomplishment.

 This picture of my son when he was little always inspires me. 

He was scared of heights, but determined to jump off the high dive at our local community pool. He did it! His bravery continues to this day. Never let fear stop you.

#2) I've been to some amazing, inspiring places. Both here and around the world. Traveling the world has helped me remember what's most important in life. Kindness, openness, friends (and food!)

My husband and I traveling 2 years ago.

#3) The belief that I can do anything I want, I just have to want it bad enough. From graduation to getting a new job to being in a career field that I love. All of these have been incredibly challenging. But I did it! 

#4) Humor is everything. It is everywhere and easy to find. Enjoy it. Let it heal you.

My "study Jaws" got me through some stressful times in school

#5) I'm lucky. I have plenty to eat, a safe place to live and people who love me. I love the town I live in and am spoiled by my partner. He works very hard to give me a wonderful life. I'm very grateful for that. We're a good team.

Spoiled me with a graduation gift from my husband.

#6) I have a lot of people in my life who love me. Husband, son, dogs, family, friends... even my in-laws care! Remembering my huge team of cheerleaders (even when they aren't there all the time) is very helpful in keeping my perspective. 


#7) Remembering what I CAN do! I can still walk, run (a bit), play, laugh, sing, yell, scream, eat, bathe, swim... and much much more. Instead of letting what I can't do (or what's hard) swallow my motivation I try and focus on what I can do, and do even more of it. 

Come on feet! Let's go!

#8) That I live my values. This is a fun activity called a "Value Card Sort." You go through 100 cards picking what words most reflect your values. Even when I'm feeling awful my values help keep me balanced. (Just click on the picture or link above if you want to print it out and do it yourself.)

I could honestly keep going, but I think you get the idea. Besides. I'm going to be late for my Zumba class at the gym. This time I'll keep it slower and I have my knee brace on for protection. I don't want another 4 day recovery process! But I'm determined to keep moving and trying.

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