Tuesday, April 10, 2018

My Lucky Day!

A picture can be misleading. Despite that evil grin on Jack Skellington's face, today really was my lucky day. Why? I'm glad you asked!

One reason is that today (well, yesterday) was the first day at my new job that wasn't just training. It was me... doing what I love... and it felt wonderful. I'm very happy at my new place of work and I think it will fit me wonderfully. I feel fortunate to have found such a great place. The hard-earned next step in my career. Also, working and keeping busy takes my mind of more stressful and painful things. I feel a lot better when I'm busy. 

Another reason was I treated myself to a little bauble. Etsy is one of my favorite places to shop. I love supporting small businesses and artists. And I feel VERY lucky that I have the means to do so. 

Beautiful little jade sharks

Yes. I love sharks. Call me a hipster, but I loved sharks WAY before "Shark Week" was such a big thing. I find them beautiful and terrifying. Just like life, right?

It was also my lucky day because after my REAL work day I got to come home to a family dinner. The crock pot is a fantastic invention. We had delicious chili that my husband claimed was my "best chili yet." Enjoying a comforting meal with the two people I love more than anything on this planet left me all warm and tingly all over (and no. That wasn't just the neuropathy.) 

So yeah, my key snapped in the lock. And no I haven't gotten my MRI results back. And yes, it looks like I'm on another very long wait list for a new neurologist (that's IF they even get back to me, but I'm sure I'll have to chase them down every few weeks.) But I also have a family who loves me. A job that appreciates me, a warm house full of love to come home to every day and resources to indulge in. So YES! I am very lucky, fortunate, blessed, favored, charmed... And I'll try my best to see that every day.

Totally unrelated 
My new favorite dessert.
GF bread with french butter and wildflower honey.
Actually it is related because it looks like a "liquid luck" potion from Harry Potter to me.

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