Monday, November 11, 2024

Keep Calm and Fight!

So the world imploded last week.


First Trump won the Presidency in 2017. We had him keeping the seat warm till 2021. Now we're in for him again. Both times he ran against women. The first time he lost the popular vote. Or as I like to think of it the "real" vote. The second time he won "for real" with the majority of America preferring a narcissistic dictator to a woman of color. Of course they did. No surprise there. Women of color are valued the least in this country.

Vice President Kamala Harris.
I really wish she was our new President.

I was crushed, then enraged. Disgusted with every single person who voted for him. I grieved for what could have been under a more liberal, collaborative leader. 

Now I'm just sick and tired of women being treated like trash. Of course there are other parts of the world that are much worse. But on average I do not feel like women are valued at all.

Like a phoenix I'm rising from despair into action. Women's causes are now my number one interest. I'm taking my time to consider where my help would be most impactful, but I am planning on actively working for the greater good of women. 

August 26,1920 Women are given the right to vote.
Not very long ago

Will that be a support group for disabled women? For mother's of special needs offspring? Volunteering at Planned Parenthood? Working for reproductive rights, equal pay and other women's causes? I'm not quite sure yet. My time is limited, so I want to make sure I'm making the greatest impact possible with what skills I have.

Maybe even just a women's only support group where we de-stress and share? A women's circle.

Hmmmm, that has potential.

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