Wednesday, May 8, 2024

The Other Thing...

Mitochondrial Disease and Migraines take up such a huge part of my life, my time, money, resources and attention that it's easy for me to dismiss other things going wrong with my body. That troublesome hip. The ankle that wants to roll. And my ear that plugs up each time a storm rolls in.

I've had Eustacian Tube Dysfunction for about 10 years now. However, it is progressively becoming more of a problem. Any time I have a change in altitude or barometric pressure my right ear plugs up and refuses to un-plug without drugs. Often it becomes infected and I'll require a course of antibiotics. Obviously I have to go to Urgent Care to get the help to fix it. The last time I went they told me I really should see a specialist.

Fine... They were right. 

I scheduled an appointment with my ENT. It went very well. Even if the scale must be broken because no way can I weigh that much today.

We went over my options to treat this ongoing issue and settled on surgery. There's a brand new procedure they've been doing for only a few years. It has a 65% chance of success. I'll take it over a tube in my ear.

The other thing that has popped up is a tumor on my right boob. Seriously. I always have issues on the right side of my body. It showed up in my recent mammogram waving "Hi" with its 3mm body. I have to go back in two weeks for a second more detailed scan.

Bodies are just like houses. It's always one thing or another. At least my sink isn't leaking (yet!)

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