Sunday, August 13, 2023

Best Day Ever

I told my husband that I wanted to walk at our local Arboretum to see how far I could go. I expected I would make it a few feet to the first bench before I needed a rest. I honestly had no real expectations. Just curiosity.

You must keep in mind when reading this that just 18 days ago I needed my electric wheelchair any time I left the house. I also needed my cane to walk from my mom's car to the swimming pool for our swim time. It wasn't uncommon even then to see me hobbling as I walked.

I walked a mile before I needed to sit down and take a break.

Astonishing! I was gobsmacked. There's no other word for it. I had only been walking without my stick for two days. I walked around our block twice and that felt hard. This felt much easier. It felt like I was adjusting to my body.

My outer thighs still felt the burn, but weren't in pain. Nothing cramped and I didn't break a sweat till I started going up and down stairs and down a huge grassy slope. I felt like a new car going off-road to see what I could handle. I was "test-driving" my new body. I succeeded at everything I put myself to and more.

I can't believe that I walked a shocking mile and a half this morning. My husband, family and friends were also amazed. It's a miracle. I don't know what else to call it. The fact that I could recover THAT quickly is just... well... A miracle.

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