Monday, November 8, 2021

Life Goes On

 Sometimes life can click along with nothing changing for years. Then suddenly I can have months, weeks, days where things change so fast it's hard to feel present.

I recently lost my precious Sweetie girl. She was my canine companion, my fur baby for 16 years. I feel lucky to have had her so long. I was also aware that super old age really sucks... even for animals. I would say she was "not her best self" for the last two years of her life. Joint pain and dementia had set in. We did what we could to keep her happy and comfortable, but in the end she didn't even want to be touched much.

From the earth we are given and to her we one day return.

In the end she went quickly, thanks to veterinary medicine and our fast actions. I am grateful for her precious soul to have been a part of my life.

Now my grandparents are also facing a difficult end. Death that comes swiftly in the night is a rare blessing. Usually fog and pain are there years and years before death finally comes for us. I for one will welcome Death like an old friend and relish the sweet release when it's my turn. Pain is for fighting. Not death. Death is there to set us free. I never understand people who want to fight death. Even as a child that made no sense to me. 

They are very far away from me, both in distance and in life but that doesn't stop my love for them.

And then there was joy!
I found a new little boy needing a home and love. This is our brand new Miniature Pinscher named Max.

Animals give us so much love and teach us so much about life. Like all of nature, we just have to pay attention to learn.

What has also been going well is the help I've been getting for my health. My migraine neurologist is still out on maternity leave, but I'm receiving my Botox every 3 months. I also just had my bi-annual check in with my muscular neurologist. That went well. I'm having a lot of pain and weakness in my neck so I'm getting fitted with a special neck brace to wear sometimes. They think that will help. I'm also getting new wheelchair tires and batteries soon.

I had my eyes checked and the optician is recommending I try "Prism" lenses. Apparently my eyes aren't tracking together and the prism helps that. It may also help my migraines.

Life is going quickly.
The holidays will be here soon. Thanksgiving, then Winter Solstice and Christmas. I feel like if I even blink I will miss them. I'm just trying to be mindful and enjoy each moment as they come. Being present in the present.

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