Thursday, August 5, 2021

What Matters Most

4.25 Million people have died from COVID worldwide. I'm positive that it an under-reported number. 614,000 People have died of the virus in the USA. 668 People passed from COVID yesterday alone in the US. None of these numbers count people who died from suicide, violence or substances directly due to this pandemic either. 

I am one of the lucky few.

So... how do I want my life to be?

What kind of person am I?

How do I chose to live?

Kindness is a very important value to me.

Health for myself and those I love is also vital.

Making a contribution to my community and society in a positive way is also key.

Creativity and expression is a must. Even if it's just for me.

With that in mind there are a few changes I would like to make to my life.

  1. Have family over to our house more often. Especially when we're done with all the remodeling we're in the middle of right now.

  2. I'd still love to travel, experience new things and meet new people. AND the smaller I am the easier that will be too!

  3. Writing a book is still high on my list

  4. I'm going to devote more time to researching my disease. I'd like to meet more people with mitochondrial disease as well. 

  5. It would be thrilling to meet more creative women and practice our craft together in person. Making new friends who share my passions and values would be most welcome in my life.

  6. Letting old friends who don't share my values go.

Checking In With Myself

2025 Has been as difficult for me as 2020 emotionally. This time in 2020 the COVID pandemic was really serious. Things were shutting down an...