Wednesday, July 15, 2020

Botox Injections for Migraines - Take 2!

I FINALLY got to have my second round of Botox injections. The first round went very well, even though it took almost a month for me to notice a difference. My neurologist said that I have to wait the full 90 days both because of insurance and because of research showing any sooner than that could be dangerous. Damn.

It went well, though I think I got more shots than last time. My husband lost count and I forgot to ask. I know she was doing a bit larger dose in some specific areas. I have the most problems with my left side (no surprise since that's where my plates are from my brain surgery.) 

It did feel a little more painful than last time, but it's also hard to remember from three months ago. I ended up coming down with a raging migraine and my head feeling like it had been stung all over by bees, but it's all worth it if I can get the same relief (or more) than last time. 

Funnily enough I can live with the migraines, it's the chronic vertigo that did me in. Also the "Alice in Wonderland Syndrome." Vestibular migraines are no joke.

With my Metabolic/Mitochondrial myopathy I have learned that anything can set my body off. I become very sore, very stiff and have an incredibly dry mouth during the night. When these things happen I know something is "off" with my body and I need to just rest. That's what happened yesterday after the shots. I came home and crashed out for almost six hours. Then woke up every hour last night in terrible pain and with serious dry mouth. 

Today is also a rest day.
No shame in listening to your body!
Mine speaks a whole language all her own, but it's one I'm slowly learning.

Curious to read more about Botox for migraines? Click here (no affiliation).

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