Thursday, June 18, 2020


When I became disabled I had a very hard time not comparing myself to my "old" able self. It was constant. If I spent time in the garden watering I would tell myself "Well, you USED TO be able to be out here for hours". See what I mean? Comparisons.
Nothing good ever comes from looking behind. It has taken me a very long time but I feel a shift. I think I finally moved past comparing myself to what I used to be able to do. It has been a huge liberation!

I can't pinpoint what caused it. I've been aware of how damaging it is and unhelpful, but I just couldn't stop it. It literally had tentacled its way into every aspect of my life... just like my disability. But unlike my disability it is something I can control.
What helps is being mindful. Fully present in each moment as they come. Not having judgement on my life and what I can and can't do. Just enjoying it for what it is. Once I made that shift in thinking, I was FREE! Free to enjoy my life and each moment as they came. 

So now I AM a person who:
  • Can ask for help
  • Lets others help me
  • Does my best and lets it rest
  • Is MUCH happier
  • Is seeing the beauty all around me
  • Is more confident
  • Is less judgmental of others
  • Has a lighter heart

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