Monday, September 2, 2019

Plan Kick Ass Progress

I'm starting week three of "Plan Kick Ass" now and I'm seeing improvement. I'm much stronger that I was before and my joints and muscles hurt less. I attribute that to pushing myself physically. I've been walking my dog, not using my wheelchair at work, taking short walks at work, stretching daily and doing chores like gardening and cleaning. Things I haven't done in almost two years!

My eating is going well. I notice that the healthier I eat the worse I feel when I eat something not the best (like gluten free mac n' cheese.) If I stick to whole foods I do well. Now I'm going to focus more on portion size.

We're in the thick of tomato and pepper season where I live and they're delicious! I'll be sad to see them go soon.

My stamina is the same and I still feel the need to nap daily. I am slowly decreasing my Cymbalta and that seems to be changing my sleep. I'm now down from 60mg to 30mg and my mood is still really doing great. I attribute that to the increase in exercise and the sense of accomplishment I feel getting more done and taking charge of my body.

My weight is still an issue for me and something I'd like to work on. Though I feel I'm heading in the right direction. 

And of course... here's your gratuitous puppy picture!

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