Sunday, March 17, 2019

More Testing

Spring officially begins this Wednesday, but it has been in my neighborhood for a few weeks now. Last week I took a few minutes off at work to roll around our complex and soak in some sunshine. Of course I couldn't resist picking this lovely sweet smelling dandelion for my hair. I forgot it was there and by the end of the day it looked like a dead bug crawling above my ear. Hah!

Friday I had three doctors appointment. One was a pre-op for my thigh muscle biopsy and the other two were for my heart. I was having some scary issues crop up, but since increasing my Q10 dose they had gone away. My PCP made me go through with the testing anyway.

In spite of (or because of) my busy day I found the time to get my nails done. It has been a nice little treat and a good way to spoil my body. Keeping body positive is important when struggling with a chronic illness, at least for me.

I told the echocardiogram tech that I was nervous about the scan since the last time I had any major testing they found a brain tumor. She assured me that she wouldn't find a brain tumor.

Apparently I have a big tough heart. I could have told them that!
In all seriousness, I won't know what this means till they get the results of the 24hr halter test back. And the cherry on top was I was allergic to the adhesive pads they put the EKG monitors on with. Hello raw skin and rash! -sigh- 

But nothing lifts my spirit quicker than a little snuggle time with my 12yo Whipped Terrier mix "Sweetie."

With my increased strength and stamina I've also been out gardening again with my husband. It feels so fantastic to be productive, instead of just watching him do everything.

I also decided to buy myself a cane. It was the one piece of mobility equipment I didn't have. I had been using my Nordic Poles as a walking stick and they're great in the garden or off-roading. But for just help with balance and stamina in say a store or going down the street they didn't have the stability that a cane offers. They're also a bit hard on my hands.

This cane is adjustable with a big, squishy handle. And doesn't it look like a mermaid tail? I'm hoping I can use her at work and short distances, Meg my rollator for medium and Ariel my electric chair for far distances and out all day situations. Time will tell!

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