Sunday, March 3, 2019

CoQ10 to the rescue!

It has been quite a while since I've had the time and energy for a blog post. Fatigue is such a horrible part of all chronic illness and it has been a serious struggle to work a full 40hrs a week, even with loving my job so much. There were many days where I questioned my choices and let fear take over my exhausted body telling me I should just work less... or not at all. But just when I felt completely out of hope I finally have something working. All the amino acids and the CoQ10 I've been taking have started to work and I feel more energetic.

(Me and Ariel enjoying some art with friends.)

For the last 2 weeks I've been waking up with much more energy in the morning and feeling far less wrung out at the end of the day. I've been able to even help my husband cook dinner and keep up on some house chores that were a massive struggle for me before. My neurologist increased my dose of CoQ10 because for my condition it can really help. As soon as we did that I really noticed an even bigger change.

My legs felt tingly, but not in a bad way. It honestly felt like all my muscle cells were trying to re-start up some energy for me. It's still very hard for me to walk for very far and standing is especially hard, but it's an improvement and I'm thrilled!

If the number 1 stood for me hardly being able to get out of bed and a 10 is the most energetic I've felt in all my life (we're talking fatigue, not muscle strength) then I'd say I went from a 3 to an 8 in the last two weeks. If a 1 stood for me not being able to move at all and a 10 is the way I used to be then I'd say I've gone from a 3 to a 4 in muscle strength. I'm hoping with some time that could improve. 

(Cheers from work! Keeping a smile on my face and love in my heart no matter what.)

Considering it took two months for me to feel any affect I'm thinking I'll just have to be patient with the dose increase. I'm still using my chair at work and for things like shopping. I can still get around my little house without an aide and with just my modifications in place. I used Meg at a smaller store this weekend and although it was a real challenge I managed it. I feel hopeful and excited for the first time in a very long time.

I am all signed up and approved for my thigh muscle biopsy on March 25th. I have to take a day off work and have it done at the hospital, which is annoying. Hopefully it will give us some more answers.

(Dory at work with her amazing sheep skin cover that was meant for a car.)

Some NON-ILLNESS related things I've been doing (other than work) has been getting my nails done, doing puzzles with my husband, watching Sabrina the Teenage Witch (on Netflix) and Clash of the Collectables (a relaxing antique show.) Of course I'm always spending time with my puppies and oh yeah! Even making time for friends too. 

(I call them my Disney Villain nails.) 

We'll see what this month will bring but I feel happy that we've finally landed on something to help my Metabolic Myopathy.

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