Saturday, September 15, 2018

What to Bring to The Hospital

In case you haven't picked up on this... I'm a HUGE planner. I like having a plan, I like knowing the plan, I like making a plan. It helps me to feel more in control. The less I actually have control of a situation, the more important it is for me to have a plan. Ergo, having a plan for when my brain tumor is removed is enormously important to me. 

Although I'll only be in the hospital for a night or two, what to bring for that time required some deep thought (and heavy shopping.) I found this heavy canvass bag on clearance yesterday. The color is bright, so it will be hard to forget and leave somewhere. It's also machine washable, which we'll want to do to anything that was at the hospital. The straps are thick and it's easy to carry. Well, easy for my husband to carry. It also zips shut, which is super important for the hospital.

Inside my bag are some essentials. Rubber bottom super soft slippers, body lotion (that I bought at Disneyland, so it reminds me of that fun trip we took), face wipes, baby wipes (in case I can't take an actual shower), deodorant, lip balm, sore throat drops (being intubated always leaves you with a very sore throat) and mints. I also scored some slip on shoes for under $3. Easy on and easy out the door. I'll wear them to the hospital.

Not in the picture is a super soft white blanket that I treated myself to. The blankets at the hospital are very utilitarian. It's hard for me to sleep without my "blankie" so I cleverly bought one we can bleach and wash when we get back home. Last thing I want is hospital cooties!

This is my favorite "room mister" that I spray on my pillows at night. I'm tempted to bring it to the hospital with me, but common sense dictates I'll be drugged out of my mind (literally!) and couldn't care less about such things. As important as knowing what to bring is knowing what to leave. I'll hold off on the spray and save it for when I'm back home.

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