Thursday, September 20, 2018

1 Week Out From Brain Surgery

My Meningioma will be removed in exactly 1 week from today. I have many feelings about this. "I don't wanna" is probably the most dominant thought right now. "You can just run away" is the second thought I have. Though neither are really feelings. The feeling behind both of those is fear. Though I can't really pinpoint what I'm afraid of? I have faith in my neurosurgeon and know how routine this is for him. I have great heath care and lot of support. Logically I even think I'll recover pretty fast. I think maybe the fear is coming from pain. Far more than death I fear pain and suffering. It's going to hurt and I'm going to suffer. There's no avoiding that fact. And that's at the heart of what makes me want to run away and go to Disneyland.

My husband and I at Disneyland last November. 
We totally drank the Koolaide

All this week I've been watching YouTube "ride throughs" of Disney rides. I found it ridiculously comforting. This was my favorite one that I found. It's the Pirates of the Caribbean Ride in Shanghai. I didn't feel bad watching it because I know I'll never go there in person, so it wasn't a spoiler.

I think there's many reasons Disney has been on my mind this week. It was a wonderful vacation we had there last November. We hadn't been in years and years and doing it without your kids is a completely different experience. We had a blast. So happy memories like that absolutely combat stress. That's one reason. Another I'm sure is escapism. Watching Disney transported me to another place that had nothing to do with work, family, brain tumors, mobility issues. You just sit and watch and let everything real slip away. That had a lot of appeal this week.

The only pain and suffering in Disney is inflicted by super cool villains with bitchen castles, swag and backup.

So I guess you could say my attitude about my brain tumor this week has been one of avoidance and indulgence. And I'm more than ok with that. During these super challenging life events I'm a fan of "whatever works." Whatever keeps me going through the day so I'm not crying is a win. Whatever gets me up in the morning to face another to-do list is victory. Whatever stops me from getting in my car and just driving away is an accomplishment. Whatever it takes. I can get through this. "I can go the distance." Hahah! I couldn't resist.

(that's a line from Disney's Hercules in case you're a Disney nube.)

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