Wednesday, August 15, 2018

When Your Legs Don't Work... Become a MERMAID!

Today I'm a mermaid

I've always loved mermaids, but since I started having my major muscle weakness and fatigue I've been even more captivated. I like to think of myself as a transformed mermaid whose human body is failing, but who can still swim just like she used to. That's a more comforting thought than a "chronically ill middle aged woman." I mean who wouldn't rather be a land-locked mermaid? Health is all about your frame of mind and your spirit.

So "Shirley" finally came and my husband and I took her out for a spin. He had the great idea of going to a local art gallery. The floors were flat and smooth and it was a big safe space to try out the transport chair for this first time. He did fantastic! Applause all around. Not one tip or bang. 

The #1 thing I noticed was that this was the first time I can remember in a very long time doing anything outside of the house that didn't leave me completely exhausted and needing a big nap. It was a strange sensation to have been all through the museum, but to NOT be totally out of spoons. So yeah, that was amazing and a huge relief.

Me & Shirley enjoying some underwater art.
You know... Cause I'm a mermaid!

So now in the back of my car I have my Nordic Poles (I don't know why I didn't name them? Maybe because I don't use them much.) Meg my Rollator and Shirley my transport wheelchair. I keep them in my car because I never know which I'll need when I'm out and I like to use the least assistive device that I can to keep my body strong. 

This Friday I'll be seeing my primary care doctor for my first official "wheelchair evaluation." I'm hoping to get an electric chair for when we're off on big adventures or on vacation. It would be better for inclines or off roading than a transport chair and it would also be something I can drive myself. I don't mind relying on my husband for smaller day-adventures, but for a longer vacation I'd need more independence. 

My wonderful doctor has also taken over my Lyrica Rx because I never did hear anything back from Neurology. That's more than a little frustrating. "Unacceptable" is the word my husband used and I have to agree. 

As much as I'm enjoying work that's also proving to be a struggle. Mornings are hard (even though I do my best to make them as easy as possible for myself) and I'm often out of spoons before I even leave the house. It's fatigue that's the hardest. The Cymbalta and Lyrica are doing a good job controlling my joint pain, gelling and neuropathy. Though I also take stretch breaks and do my best to keep as active as possible.

I'm thankful to still only be working 2 days a week because come Wednesday I need to rest most of the day. Too bad I can't just swim around all day looking for pearls like a REAL mermaid does!

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