Tuesday, July 10, 2018

Today's a Good Day!

Today is a great day!

My pain is much lower today than it has been in recent memory. I slept 7 1/2 hours through the night and I was able to garden for more than just a few minutes. 

I spent a glorious 45 minutes this morning tending to my poor neglected plants. That was the first time in about 2 months that I did some light manual labor and didn't end up with shaking muscles and exhaustion from my efforts.

Two things happened yesterday that I think helped me. The first was I messaged my neurologist about the Lyrica not really helping anymore. I've been on it for 13 days now. She got back to me right away and told me to start taking it twice a day instead of once.

The other helpful thing was a suggestion from my mother that I take a dose of Acetaminophen close to when I take my 800mg Rx Ibuprophen. She said this is commonly advised where she lives (in England) for people with severe pain.

I gave it a try and had a lot of relief. I think that's why I was able to sleep through the night. Apparently that's very common in the UK for doctors to advise taking the combo like that. 

Despite all my efforts my mouth is still sore. I can feel it in the back of my throat, roof of my mouth and back of my tongue. I have an appointment this Friday with my primary care doctor, so I'll bring it up then. In the meantime though I tried just having yogurt for lunch.

Actually it's organic, fat-free Greek yogurt mixed with a dash of cinnamon, a drop of vanilla extract and a little gloop of local honey. For someone who hates yogurt I shockingly enjoyed it! I hope there are more good days in store. 

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