Friday, May 4, 2018

Faith Helps Me

I consider myself a Christian in a very liberal meaning of the word. If you wanted specifics I would say "Methodist" (though I 100% disagree on their LGBTQIIA stance.) I believe in doing as much good as you can as often as you can for as many people as you can. I believe that each of us has a purpose and a "spark" inside us that connects us together. I believe we are all children of God and that religion is just our way of trying to make meaning of something that we can't really understand because it's just too big. Too grand. Too huge. We try to comprehend the incomprehensible. But my faith does give me strength.

 I pray for my clients every night.
It's a way for me to pass along my worry and concern for them.
To put it a cheesy way: "To let go and let God." 

I've had a lot going on this past month to make me fearful. But rather than dwell in that fear I stare it in the eye, then move on. I'm able to do this because of my faith and my belief that I have a job to do here and I'm not done yet. And my view that "everything happens for a reason" I just may not know that reason at the time.

Yesterday I was offered a job. I was unemployed for 2 days. The job pays much better than the last one and I think I'll like it more. Many people who work there are Christian too, but not everyone (and it's not a Christian organization.) I like the idea of working with people who have their own spiritual belief. I think it's helpful in the kind of work that we do to have something greater than yourself to lean on. A refuge.

I crushed it!

I celebrated my new job with this necklace from Etsy.

It's hand made by a stay at home mom (here's her shop - no affiliation.) I enjoy supporting small businesses and artists like that. It's my favorite Bible verse. I don't take the Bible literally, but this verse has always spoken to me. I say it to myself when life feels overwhelming and like too much is required of me. All I have to do in that moment is remember my 3 tasks in this life. To "...Do justice, love kindness and to walk humbly with your God." - Micah 6:8

I love the "YOUR God" that shows up in every version. It's very personal. Whatever God is to you, because it's yours. That's religion at its best. Personal and intimate.

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