Thursday, April 5, 2018

Most Important Part

I'd like you to meet the most important part of my life. My husband of 23 years, my partner for 25 years, the father of my son and the person I couldn't do without. 

I think most people imagine their husband/wife/partner to be a very important part of their life (at least I hope so.) But I know that mine is even more unique.

Other than making me laugh all the time (and laughter really is great medicine), he has supported our family financially, comes with me to every medical appointment and procedure that he can, rubs my back every single night and reads me a story out loud every single night. This was once a loving night time gesture and a fun way to spend time together that didn't involve a screen. But over the past 3 years it has become much more than that to me. It's the highlight of my day every day and the main reason I get any sleep at all. What a guy! Of course he does much more than that, but for the sake of space I'll keep it more focused.

Having a companion in life is the key to good health. Isolation does horrible things to both your body and your mind and any burden is much lighter when shared. Even on my worst day I feel my pain and mood lighten when my husband comes home. 

My superhero of a husband also tends to see the good everywhere. The good in people, in intentions, in situations. He is incredibly trusting, kind and generous. I tend to be much more cautious about who I trust and vigilant with people. He brings out the best in me. 

He's a lot like another man I adore, Mr. Rogers. He's calm and patient. Two things I have to work very hard to be in any way. You'd love to have him as a neighbor. 

I have no idea where the future will take us both. But I know that I can tackle anything that comes my way with him next to me. I also know that I can count on him and that anything I share with him will be heard and taken seriously. I think that makes me very lucky!

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