Monday, April 22, 2024

Camping? Not in a tent!

Tent camping was on my "mobility bucket list" since I regained my mobility. I had never been and I was excited to try it. I had visions of star filled skies, s'mores and peaceful sleep in the fresh air. What I hadn't factored in was the frigid c-o-l-d we would endure.

I have a dear friend who knew I was excited to try this. She and her partner camp in their "too adorable for words" van. Where I might add they remain snug and toasty as two bugs under a rug. They secured us an "impossible to get" camping place on a coveted beach. I was thrilled. Being part mermaid I adore the ocean and go any time I get the chance. I agreed we would join them. 

My husband, two dogs and myself in a two person tent borrowed from my in-laws would join them... On the beach... In April... See where I'm headed?

I think whoever came up with the term "The good, the bad and the ugly" was talking about tent camping. 

It had...


The location was stunning.

The beach stretched on for miles.

The S'mores lived up to my expectation.

All the food that day was delicious.

The company could not have been better.

It was fun bundling up during the day and dusk.

The dogs loved it.

We got a lot of exercise.

The air was indeed crisp and fresh.

The stars were the prettiest I'd seen in years and years.

Our campsite was perfect.

The other campers were pretty quiet and respectful.

The tent went up quick and easy.

We didn't forget anything. (Ok... now I'm grasping for good things.)


Public bathroom. Need I say more?

That was a TON of packing and unpacking.

Where am I supposed to change?


Asthma attack from the cold and fire.

We froze all night (the dogs were cozy and fine.)

Prison shower. No thanks.

The cold triggered my muscles to cramp and spasm all night.

It took me days to recover.

Margo hates other dogs and goes NUTS when she sees them. Do you know how many dogs are at a beach and go camping? She could be heard for miles. (Max was a dream.)

A dog walked by our car.

All that fuss left a mark in the sand.

Technically I think I still haven't "tent camped" because I slept in the car. It was the only position I could be in where I could breathe. 

I think next time we'll say "goodnight" and book it to a hotel to sleep in. But it was great to have a brand new experience.

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