Wednesday, March 22, 2023

STILL Adapting Our Home

I've learned to be much more patient about makovers and changes in our home. When I talked about "Adapting Our Home" back in February, I knew it would be a slow process. One we actually started in November. 

This was our first project. Converting the dining room into my husband's new office. All we need now is some different lighting. We have a temporary café table set up that can stay until I need to use my chair in the house. It is a space that works well for us. We both enjoy the coffee bar and the mini fridge is much easier for me to get things out of then our hard to reach big fridge in the tiny kitchen.

We just need to replace this chandelier with more appropriate lighting.

We keep trying to have a yard sale, but the weather has been against us. Our new projected date is April 1st. We have a garage full of items that will help us buy what we need for our new livingroom.

We need to do this in stages due to finances. It also reduces the stress of change for my man. He makes me go slow and consider things more and I goose him into action. It works out well.

Right now we have a dominating entertainment center. 
We will trade it in for a large flat screen TV on this wall.

What I'm most looking forward to is getting our couch out of the path of my wheelchair and away from our front door. But with the entertainment center gone, we could have room for a glorious "L" shaped couch... like this one I saw at Costco. Drool! Drool!

Max will never leave this couch again once he has a spot in front of the window.

I promised my husband he could have a lovely lit, corner bar in a recessed spot by the couch.

We used to have hundreds of DVD's in here. But who needs DVD's anymore?

I want a similar lit cabinet and some stands for my precious house plants.
It will look lovely and echo the bar.

The purging will continue right up to the yard sale. It will be a challenge to get rid of our couch, entertainment center and other huge items when the time comes. I'm thinking of using Facebook for that part. I really wish I could just wave a wand and have it all perfect. 

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