Thursday, November 1, 2018

Long Awaited Chair Day!

My chair was delivered this morning at 9AM on November 1st, just as promised. I wasn't sure how I would feel about this long awaited day. Upset? Anxious? Depressed? Happy? It turns out I was excited. When I first whizzed down my street with the delivery man jogging to keep up I let out little girl giggles and felt down right gleeful. That was a surprise. What really shocked me though was this feeling of freedom. Of "Oh right! That's how I used to be. Able to go anywhere I wanted, any time I wanted and not feel exhausted." Even though I've only been going through this shocking muscle issue since May, I had already forgotten when it felt like to briskly go down my block without pain and struggling not to sit on the curb. 

I hate the term "wheelchair bound." It implies that the person is "stuck" in some way to their chair. Instead any mobility device should be seen as liberating. They give the person the tools needed to get on with their life. That's what I'm hoping my chair will allow me to do. To get on with my life and gain more independence.

I only wish the new chair would fit in my car. That's the big bummer. She weighs 250lbs and even with a ramp would be too heavy and big for my Kia Soul. We could buy a handicapped accessible van, but they are incredibly expensive. Instead the plan is to see how my muscles are doing and then make a decision in December if this is something I still regularly need. If I do we might buy a lightweight folding electric chair like a Fold and Go instead of a van. 

A lighter chair would also be one I could travel with, which would be great. Most of the folding light electric chairs will fit in any car, so they can go along with your rental car when you get to where you're going. I don't think they're for people who need a chair 100% of the time, but for me it might be a good fit.

We're going to walk the dogs tonight. Something I haven't been able to do comfortably for a long time now. I'm excited to go along! It's those little things that I've really missed, but now get to enjoy again thanks to my chair!

And no... she doesn't have a name yet. 

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