Tuesday, October 23, 2018

Problem Solving

The left side of my head where I had brain surgery is still puffy, even though this Thursday will mark 1 month since my operation to remove my tumor. I'm not sure why I thought having 3 plates and 10 screws in my head would NOT make it puffy for a very long time, but I did. I blame the whole "impatience" issue I struggle with.

I bought some beautiful new glasses very soon after my surgery, but I haven't been able to wear them because of the swelling on my head. The eye tech loosened the left side as much as she could and I thought that would be good enough, but each time I tried to wear them it was painful and I was left with a large dent right where my plates are. Not good!

Today I swore I'd solve that problem. I love my new glasses, I'm tired of wearing contacts all the time and I want to wear them. I was looking on Amazon for some magical solution when it occurred to me. "All I need is some kind of adhesive soft pad for the inside. FURNITURE PADS! I think that might work." So here's what I did:

1) Get out my furniture pads, tape (in case I need it. I didn't.) and small sharp scissors. Oh! and my glasses of course!

2) Cut a long pad to fit the length of the side just to the part that curves along your ear.

3) Place it on the side of the glasses, then measure and cut a thinner piece to follow the curve of the ear (a thick piece won't curve as well.)

4) Put the new thin piece carefully on the ear curve. Press both pieces down firmly to adhere.

Now I'm ready to see!

You can barely see the pad here. But that's ok!

YAY! Now I just hope they don't leave a dent. I'll try them tomorrow and see how it goes. Hopefully that's another problem solved. 

10/25 UPDATE:
Well, so... that did work and it didn't. Yes it made my glasses not hurt and it did provide padding, but apparently even that is just too much yet. It made my head really swollen the next day where I had surgery. I think the problem is that where the arm of the glasses go is RIGHT where I was cut into and where my plates are. So for now I'm back to contacts. -sigh- 

1 comment:

  1. I love your glasses and also how you problem solve. Sometimes thinking out of the box is the best thing ever. I hope you can now wear them comfortably.


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