Sunday, June 10, 2018

Rheumatoid Cachexia

I think I might have found what's going on with my muscle weakness. Last night I stumbled across something I've never heard of before called "Rheumatoid Cachexia."

The Cliff's Notes version of Rheumatoid Cachexia is that it is muscle wasting in people with RA. Sadly it's most common in people newly diagnosed with RA who are also overweight (ding ding ding!)

I found this blog on RA where the author says this about her experience:

Her story completely mirrors what I've been going through. One day I can work in my garden and the next I can barely shampoo my hair. Funny thing is my rheumatologist told me that muscle weakness doesn't go with RA. Did I mention how much I'm looking forward to getting a new rheumatologist? I have a message in to her about all of this but my expectations are very low. About as low as my current physical stamina.

(Me being a mermaid a few years back.
Testing out my underwater camera before we went to Iceland.)

I read that the best way to fight the cachexia is through "resistance exercise" and eating a lot of fish. Checkmark on the fish increase. We've been doing that for a few weeks eating it about every other day.

(Our delicious cod fish tacos that we had for dinner last night.
I like to steam my cod in my rice cooker. It's super easy and doesn't make the house hot.)

As for the "resistance workout" part, I have my first physical therapy session tomorrow. I also still belong to a gym that has a heated pool. I need to get back in it. Swimming and aqua aerobics is fantastic for health and mobility challenges because it's easy on the joints. I can get resistance and still keep it low impact. 

I also asked my PCP if we should re-do my back images since the last ones were done 17 months ago. He agreed and that's on order. More time in the "fun tube!" (My pet name for the MRI machine.) My husband and I joke that we need to make t-shirts for the medical center that we have to go to for all our scans and testing because we're there so often. I think that would be hilarious. He said we could have the name on the front and "Let's hope it's negative!" On the back.

Humor is so important.

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